News and Updates

Docktown Marina
On December 12, the City Council voted to approve the Final Docktown Plan that outlines relocation assistance options for Docktown Marina residents. Ending residential uses at Docktown Marina is required in order for the City to meet its legal obligation to allow full public access to the land on which the marina is located. The process of implementing the Docktown Plan will begin in early 2017.

Villa Sport Health Club & Apartment Proposal
SyRes Properties LLC proposes to redevelop the former movie theater site with a 336 unit multi-family development and 100,000 square foot sport club "Villa Sport". The project requires a Zoning Map Amendment for the high density residential development.
Conceptual Design Review
336 Residential Units
100,000 sq. ft. Recreation

Bair Island-U.S. Highway 101 Pedestrian Undercrossing Project
The proposed U.S. Highway 101 Pedestrian Undercrossing would connect the bike path along Bair Island Road and the bike lanes on Main Street via a new undercrossing beneath the freeway and adjacent to Redwood Creek. The 14-foot wide path would maintain nine to ten feet of headroom and would involve landscaping improvements, site lighting, two retaining walls, and a scenic overlook.
Project Benefits
Over the past decade, housing development in the bayfront areas east of U.S. Highway 101 have attracted many new residents to the City and have created an increased demand for improved pedestrian and bicycle connections in the area. Creating a physical link between the bayfront areas and downtown has been a long term planning goal of the City. Currently an existing, undeveloped and narrow foot trail crosses under the freeway at this location, and the project's improvements would provide an accessible pathway that better meets the City's connectivity objectives.

Inner Harbor Improvements
Redwood City’s Inner Harbor area is a place of great potential and boundless possibilities for the future. Located northeast of US 101 along Redwood Creek, this diverse 100-acre area presently encompasses varying levels of recreational and watercraft uses, marinas and businesses, industrial uses, and waterways. It’s a crossroads, of sorts, between Redwood City’s Downtown and its Port, with access via Maple Street and Blomquist Street.

Bair Island-Blomquist Road Extension
The Blomquist Bridge and Street Extension Project consists of both a street extension and new bridge connection across Redwood Creek to the east of U.S. 101. Blomquist Street will be extended from its current terminus at Maple Street, northwards to parallel U.S. 101, then bridging Redwood Creek to connect at the E Bayshore and Bair Island traffic circle. The total length of the project is approximately one-half mile and would provide access for vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians.
Project Benefits
The extension will improve access to and within areas east of U.S. 101. The Bair Island Road area will have a second access point for emergency vehicles due to the new bridge crossing. The bridge and street extension will also provide improved access from the Maple Street area to the Whipple Avenue on- and off-ramps to U.S. 101. The project will also provide permanent bicycle and pedestrian access across Redwood Creek to connect to existing portions of the Bay Trail.

Strada 131 Townhouses on Maple Street adjacent to Docktown Marina
Strada Investment Group is proposing 131 three-story for-sale townhome residential units with associated parking and amenities. The project site is located along the City's waterfront, within the previously-proposed Inner Harbor Specific Plan (IHSP) area. The proposed project will require a Zoning Map and Text Amendment to create a new zoning district to implement the Mixed Use - Waterfront General Plan land use designation, as well as a Tentative Map, Condominium Permit, Planned Development Permit, Use Permit, Sign Permit and a Project-Level Environmental Impact Report. The proposed project also includes a Bay Trail connection along the waterfront and interim park landscaping and improvements to the City-owned lot on Maple Street. The Applicant is proposing to enter into a Development Agreement with the City.

US-101/Woodside Rd Interchange Improvements
Reconstruction of the existing US 101/Woodside Rd interchange to ease congestion, increase safety, and improve access for pedestrians and cyclists. (Please see detailed project website here: www.redwoodcity.org/101-84)
Project Benefits
The purpose of the project is to relieve existing and future traffic congestion, and to improve traffic safety and vehicular access to and from Route 101 and SR 84 (Woodside Road). The goals include improving highway operations, reducing associated congestion on Redwood City streets, removing barriers to non-motorized travel, and minimizing impacts on nearby businesses.